Consultant (m/f) @ Vineyard MC Based on our many years of customer and solution-oriented consulting expertise, we support well-known international clients in the implementation of their change projects and IT initiatives. We provide our consulting services, for example, in the context of business transformations, regulatory requirements and the management of processes and IT topics. We are looking for committed and flexible reinforcement for our Management Consulting competence team at our Rhine/Main location: Exciting tasks await you: Supporting our project managers in the management of complex projects Taking responsibility for meeting results and deadlines Independent processing of sub-project topics Analysis and preparation of technical problems Development, discussion and presentation of work results Helping to shape reporting to senior management Development of innovative and sustainable solution concepts You are characterized by proven qualifications and a high degree of flexibility: Above-average degree in computer science or business informatics High degree of flexibility and willingness to travel Constant willingness to learn, analytical thinking and a structured approach Willingness to take on responsibility and work independently Strong customer and team orientation and communication skills Business fluent in German and English. In addition to a future-oriented workplace in a pleasant, collegial atmosphere, we offer you a promising, international working environment. Projects with customers from various industries await you here, in which you will develop very quickly with our support. We have flat hierarchies and a principle of openness. Another plus point: thanks to targeted training and the dynamism of an exclusive consulting company, we will take you a big step forward in your professional and personal development! Are you interested? We look forward to receiving your application: Contact. Your contact person is Mr. Alexander Haasper. Are you a graduate and your professional exams are approaching? You are also welcome to start an internship with us - contact us as soon as possible: Contact.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Secure Your Business - Insights to Governance, Risk, Compliance & Information Security”: Some major trends such as digitalization and cyber security attacks affect all of our daily lives. Securing our business life and our business is therefore more important than ever before, as cybercrime is becoming more and more organized.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Straight from the Client - Consulting Experiences and Observed Trends”: Our clients are facing more and more challenges of all kinds. Some of these challenges are trends such as digitalization and cyber security issues that influence our daily lives, whether in the business or private sphere.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “IT Management - Experiences and Trends”: Digitalization, Industry 4.0, Information Security, General Data Protection Regulation, Hybrid Cloud or Agility are the buzzwords of the time and on everyone's lips. The effects of these changes are increasingly disruptive and essential in nature: both for companies and their employees

Dr. Michael Rath, Partner bei der Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Luther, über die Erschließung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen durch das effektive Management von IT- und Datenschutzrecht. 1. Herr Dr. Rath. Sie haben sich als Jurist auf IT-Recht spezialisiert und sind seit langer Zeit ein geschätzter Fachmann auf diesem Gebiet. Was war für Sie der Auslöser diesen Weg zu beschreiten? Ich bin…

Dr. Michael Rath (Luther Rechtsanwaltskanzlei)  und Alexander Haasper (Vineyard Management Consulting) haben in der Computerwoche (12.07.2016) einen gemeinsamen Artikel zu “IT-Security Reloaded – NIS-Richtlinie und neue Tools für den Mittelstand” veröffentlicht. Darin beschreiben sie die Managementaufgaben, die durch die vom EU-Parlament beschlossenen Richtlinie zur erhöhten Cybersicherheit entstehen. Zudem findet man dort auch 12 Tipps für eine…

Carsten Fabig, Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH, über IT Security Trends und Frameworks in der Praxis. 1. Herr Fabig, warum sind Sie als Management Berater mit Ihrer Firma tiefer in das Spezialthema IT Security Management eingestiegen? Nun, vom Kern des Vineyard Management Consulting Leistungsangebots her war dies zunächst nicht forciert worden. Doch dann hat es mich…

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Transition Management - Implementing change in a goal-oriented way”: Change has always determined people's lives. Unfortunately, many people often become a pawn of change. Vineyard Management Consulting understands transition management as actively managing change processes and focusing on the people involved in this change.

Vineyard Management Consulting an der FH Fresenius (Idstein) Seit diesem Wintersemester (2015/16) tritt die Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH an der FH Fresenius in Erscheinung: Zum einen  agieren unsere Associates Carsten Wittmann und Dr. Lars Niemann als Dozenten der Vorlesung „Wertschöpfungsmanagement – Qualitäts-, Change und Innovations- Management“. Inhalte dieser Vorlesung sind u. a. Grundlagen, Funktionen und Werkzeuge des…

Am 21. Und 22. Mai findet in Stockholm die IASA World Summit statt – Jon Hill, Vineyard Management Consulting Associate leitet dort einen Workshop im Kontext des Programms “Value”. 21.-22. Mai in Stockholm (Odengatan 65, Stockholm – 7A Conference Center): IASA World Summit, VALUE – das größte Event für IT Architekten im Jahr 2015 Es…

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