Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Information Security - Smart Solutions to New Threats and Expanded Regulation”: In a world with further new global crises and new types of threats, it is more important than ever to be prepared. This also applies to an unprecedented extent to cyberspace, the protection of which is becoming increasingly...

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Transformation of Business and IT: Effects of the Mega-Trends of the Coming Years”: Transformation and IT. Cause and effect could be reciprocal in this context: do people still want to get more or something completely new out of IT? Or is IT itself already transforming to a large extent?

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Opportunity or Risk? Seizing opportunities and mitigating risks in a complex world”: Opportunities actually exist in business life at all times. But which organizations always seize opportunities promptly and purposefully? Certainly not the vast majority of players.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “The next trend is bound to come!” This has always been the case in the consulting business and probably always will be.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Digital Transformation - Facets of Successful Change”: Digitalization is increasingly influencing social and economic life and has been reaching more and more of our everyday lives for years. But how can the measures required to be successful as a company in the long term be implemented in companies?

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Secure Your Business - Insights to Governance, Risk, Compliance & Information Security”: Some major trends such as digitalization and cyber security attacks affect all of our daily lives. Securing our business life and our business is therefore more important than ever before, as cybercrime is becoming more and more organized.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Straight from the Client - Consulting Experiences and Observed Trends”: Our clients are facing more and more challenges of all kinds. Some of these challenges are trends such as digitalization and cyber security issues that influence our daily lives, whether in the business or private sphere.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “IT Management - Experiences and Trends”: Digitalization, Industry 4.0, Information Security, General Data Protection Regulation, Hybrid Cloud or Agility are the buzzwords of the time and on everyone's lips. The effects of these changes are increasingly disruptive and essential in nature: both for companies and their employees

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Transition Management - Implementing change in a goal-oriented way”: Change has always determined people's lives. Unfortunately, many people often become a pawn of change. Vineyard Management Consulting understands transition management as actively managing change processes and focusing on the people involved in this change.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “People & Management - People make the difference”: Many people are simply overwhelmed by the dynamic changes and current conditions in the workplace. This book aims to provide you with experiences and impulses for modern and value-oriented management.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Project management - experiences, methods and trends”: Large-scale projects such as Stuttgart21 or the construction of the new Berlin-Brandenburg airport are virtually permanent guests in the media with negative headlines, although the topic of project management has been intensively discussed in the PM community for decades and has been cast in corresponding standards.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Complexigence: Understanding and actively managing complexity”: For almost a decade, complexity has been one of the megatrends in the context of globalization and the information age. So why a book on this topic? The short answer is that companies and people have only just begun to recognize complexity.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Prozessmanagement: Zeitgemäße Gestaltung von Prozessen für die Praxis”: Another book on process management? Does every management consultancy now have its own methodology or even research department? Not at all. The idea for this book arose from a not entirely serious conversation among consultant colleagues about the various customer projects of the last few years.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH has published the book “Everything will be better with the next change”: The book offers different perspectives on the broad field of change management. Almost without exception, real change in the sense of a process pattern change is associated with hard cuts and enormous design and adaptation efforts.