As a young, dynamic consulting company for the realisation of change, Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH primarily advises financial service providers, telecommunications companies and IT providers throughout Europe. The trust placed in us by our clients is confirmed time and again by our steady growth.

We are looking for outstanding personalities to strengthen our consulting teams. Unseren Mitarbeitern bieten wir interessante und abwechslungsreiche Projekte in herausfordernden Arbeitsumfeldern. Persönlicher Gestaltungsspielraum und die Zusammenarbeit mit erfahrenen und erfolgreichen Kolleginnen und Kollegen garantieren vorzügliche persönliche und fachliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.

Konkrete Stellenausschreibungen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage bzw. in Xing.

Vineyard Management Consulting GmbH is a young dynamic consultancy that supports european organizations within the sector of finance, telecommunications, and IT in change management. The permanent growth of our consultancy proves the business confidence our customers have.

For professional reinforcement of our consultancy team we are looking for outstanding personalities. We offer interesting and diversified projects in challenging work environments. Individual freedom and a close teamwork with experienced and successful colleagues guarantee excellent individual and professional development possibilities.

Job offers can be found via our homepage or via xing.